met up with my loves yueqi, joanne and dawnnie yesterday! (: it sure is good to meet up with them again! one lazy day spent at my house right on our agenda! :D loads of tit-bits, stacks of vcds, and a comfortable position of my sofa/floor to sprawl on. ingredients for a great day! (:
we watched SouthPark first which was downright horny. :/ there were those sex education and condoms and joanne's favourite woman in the show who has seriously saggy boobs and you wonder why we're watching all these. and the orange guy (kenny) is so poor thing lah he exists to die in every episode. hahahah! then we switched to emo movie "The Notebook"! damn sweet (: i always cry each time i watch this show man but joanne never fails to spoil the atmosphere with her rubbish comments. apparently there was this scene where they were having sex and out came a loud voice "wa lao. can she stop panting or not?" -_-"' ARGHHH! JOANNE TAN THE RAMBUTAN!! eh yueqi i wanted to watch your orbeet "Mr Vampire" but stupid joanne refused to. next time we watch together k? (: heck joanne. hahaha.
we played taboo too and here are some funny happenings. (:
the word: speed
usually what first comes to your mind is, slow, car etc. but yao yueqi, the great hwa chong student said this : "distance over time" WHOAAA. please clap for her. (: a hwa chong student indeed BUT unfortunately she has failing eyesight. she saw therapist as THE RAPIST. haha!
the word: fire
me: oh you know when this happen then people will scream "help! help!"?
yueqi gave me a puzzled look while joanne was watching intently at the tv screen.
dawnnie: wa lao! so easy you also dunno how to describe. ermm...not air, water but?
yueqi: fire!
dawnnie: you help help help people think kena raped or sth lah.
okay fine. dawnnie you win. :(
the word: martini
me: you go clubbing then you...the opposite of eat (i can't say drink)...
joanne: sorry hor we don't club.
me: tsk.common sense lah!
dawnnie: aiyo. ricky what?
yueqi: martin? orhhhhh...martini!!!
again, dawnnie you win. ):
the word: orbit
this is the ultimate funniest. :D
joanne: hokkien word!
us: how come got hokkien word one?
can't really remember what she describe as being ugly.
me: ermm...orbeeet ah?
joanne: correct correct!!
orbit becomes orbeeet. HAHA! joanne's the best. (:
we discovered that all the celebrities whom dawnnie likes are blondes. tsktsk. dawn just admit it, you love blondies and you're a lesbian. hahahaha! but thankfully she managed to find a guy whom she finds good looking, johnathan bennett. congratulations! now you're a bisexual. (:
from yueqi and i feel the same way too. (:
sometimes i'll think maybe one day, because of how very different our lives and friends are now, we might have lesser and lesser things in common until we finally drift apart. but each time i meet up with them, i feel so at ease. (: i'm just glad you guys are the constants in my life and thanks for everything! :D

LOVE! <3
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